Related Publications by Lynn G. Underwood, Ph.D.
The Science of Compassionate Love: Research, Theory, and Applications. Fehr. B, Sprecher, S, Underwood, LG, Oxford England, Malden Mass: Wiley-Blackwell. 2009.
Altruism and Altruistic Love: Science, Philosophy, and Religion in Dialogue Post, SG, Underwood, LG, Schloss, JP, Hurlbut, WB, eds., Oxford University Press, 2002.
Social Support Measurement and Interventions: A Handbook for Health and Social Scientists, Cohen, S, Underwood, L, Gottlieb, B, eds. Oxford University Press, 2000. (as of 2010, cited over 700 times in publications)
Relational Processes and DSM-V: Neuroscience, Assessment, Prevention and Treatment, SRH. Beach, M Wamboldt, N Kaslow, RE.Heyman, MB First, LG Underwood, & D Reiss (eds.), American Psychiatric Publishing Inc., 2006.
Measuring Stress: A Guide for Health and Social Scientists, Cohen, S, Kessler, RC, Underwood-Gordon, L, eds. Oxford University Press, 1997.
“Altruistic Love – Compassionate Love”. Underwood, L. In Harry T. Reis & Susan Sprecher (eds.), Encyclopedia of Human Relationships. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. 2009.
“Chapter 1: Compassionate love: A framework for research” Underwood, Lynn G. in Fehr, Sprecher and Underwood The Science of Compassionate Love: TheoryResearch and Applications, Wiley-Blackwell. Malden, Massachusetts, Oxford, England. 2009.
“Giving of Self for the Good of the Other: Science Research on Compassionate Love and Spirituality” Underwood, Lynn G. in The Love that Does Justice, Edwards, Michael and Post Stephen (eds.), Cleveland, Ohio 2008, p 133-138.
“The Intrinsic Value of Mental Health,” Underwood L. with Ville Lehtinen et al, in Mental Health Promotion, World Health Organization, 2004. (Also available in Mandarin Chinese)
“Compassionate Love,” in Post, Stephen G. ed. 2004. Encyclopedia of Bioethics, 3rd edition. New York: Macmillan Reference USA, 483-488.
“The Human Experience of Compassionate Love: Conceptual Mapping and Data from Selected Studies”, in Post, SG, Underwood, LG, Schloss, JP, Hurlbut, WB, eds. Altruism and Altruistic Love: Science, Philosophy, and Religion in Dialogue, 2002. New York City: Oxford University Press. 72-88.
“Strategies for Measuring Stress in Studies of Psychiatric and Physical Disorders,” with Cohen, S and Kessler, RC, in Cohen, S, Kessler, RC, Underwood-Gordon, eds., Measuring Stress: A Guide for Health and Social Scientists, Oxford University Press, 1997.
“Social Relationships and Health,” with Cohen, S and Gottlieb, B, in Underwood, L, Cohen, S, Gottlieb, B, eds. Social Support Measurement and Interventions: A Handbook for Health and Social Scientists, Oxford University Press, 2000.
“Social Support Measurement and Interventions: Future Directions,” with Karen S. Rook, in Cohen, S, Underwood, L, Gottlieb, B, eds. Social Support Measurement and Interventions: A Handbook for Health and Social Scientists, Oxford University Press, 2000.
Other Articles:
“Use of Focus Groups in Multi-Site, Multi-Ethnic Research Projects for Women’s Health: A Study of Women Across the Nation (SWAN) Example” Kagawa-Singer Marjorie, Adler Shelley, Mouton Charles, Ory Marcia, Underwood Lynn G., Ethnicity and Disease 2009, Volume 19, 352-358.
“Measuring Responsiveness in the Therapeutic Relationship: A Patient Perspective” Reis, Harry T., Clark Margaret S., Pereira-Gray Denis J., Tsai Fen-Fang, Brown Judith B., Stewart Moira, and Underwood Lynn G. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, (2008) 30:4,339-348.
“Now bounded, now immeasurable: Perspectives on time in disability, in suffering, and at end of life.” Underwood LG Medical Humanities 2007; 33: 11-15.
“Psychometric Testing of the Daily Spiritual Experiences Scale Among African Americans in the Jackson Heart Study”, Loustalot F, Wyatt SB, Sims M, Ellison CG, Taylor HA, Underwood L. (August, 2009). Journal of Religion and Health.
“Measuring Spirituality” Underwood, Lynn G. in The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, Volume 196, Number 9, September 2008, 715-716.
“A Cross-Cultural Study of Spirituality, Religion, and Personal Beliefs as components of Quality of Life,” written on behalf of the WHOQOL SRPB Group by Underwood, O’Connell and Saxena, Social Science and Medicine, 62 (2006) 1486–1497.
“Interviews with Trappist Monks as a Contribution to Research Methodology in the Investigation of Compassionate Love.” Underwood LG Journal for the Theory of Social Behavior, 35:3 (September, 2005), 285-302.
“Measuring Multiple Dimensions of Religion and Spirituality for Health Research,” Ellen L. Idler, Marc A. Musick, Christopher G. Ellison, Linda George, Neal Krause, Marcia G. Ory, Kenneth I. Pargament, Lynda H. Powell, Lynn G. Underwood, David R. Williams, Research on Aging: 2003, 25(4): 327-365.
“Initial steps in developing the World Health Organizations of Quality of Life Instrument (WHOQOL) module for international assessment in HIV/AIDS,” as part of the WHOQOL HIV Group, AIDS CARE (June 2003), Vol 15, No.3, pp.347.
“Cross-Cultural Quality of Life Assessment at the End of Life: A Commentary”, Saxena, S., O’Connell, K., Underwood L., The Gerontologist, Vol. 42, Special Issue III, October 2002, pg 81-85.
“Physiologic Markers of Chronic Stress in Premenopausal, Middle-Aged Women”, Powell Lynda H., Lovallo William R., Matthews Karen A., Meyer Peter, Midgley A. Rees, Baum Andrew, Stone, Underwood, Lynn Arthur, McCann J, Janidula Herro Kristi, Ory Marcia, Psychosomatic Medicine (2002) 64:502-509
“Living with Rheumatoid Arthritis: The Role of Daily Spirituality and Daily Religious and Spiritual Coping,” Keefe FJ, Affleck G, Underwood LG, Lefebvre J, Caldwell DS, Drew J, Egert J, Gibson J, and Pargament K, (2001) Journal of Pain, 2(2), 101-110.
“Biobehavioral Pain Research: A Multi-Institute Assessment of Cross-Cutting Issues and Research Needs,” Keefe, FJ, Underwood L. Jacobs, M. The Clinical Journal of Pain, 1997:13:91-103.
“Roles of Religiousness and Spirituality in Medical Rehabilitation and the Lives of Persons with Disabilities,” Underwood(-Gordon), L., Peters, DJ, Bijur, P, Fuhrer, M. American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, Vol. 76, No 3, May/June 1997, 255-257.
”Is There a Need to Devise Clinical Trials that do not Depend on Randomized Controlled Testing?” ADVANCES, Vol. 9, No. 2, Spring 1993, 75-79.
“Poor Prognosis for Malignant Melanoma in Northern Ireland: A Multivariate Analysis,” Gordon (Underwood) LG, Lowry, WS, Pedlow, PJ, Patterson, CC. British Journal of Cancer, 1991: 63; 283‑286.
“The Incidence and Pathogenesis of Invasive Cutaneous Malignant Melanoma in Northern Ireland,” Gordon (Underwood) L., Lowry, WS. British Journal of Cancer, 1986:53; 75‑80.
“Missed Malignant Melanomas,” Gordon (Underwood) L., Lowry, WS. British Medical Journal, 1986: 292; 1524‑1525
“Incidence and Aetiology of Melanoma,” Gordon (Underwood) L., Lowry, WS. The Lancet, 1985, i, 8428; 583.